The number of positive Coronavirus cases continues to grow. As of NOON, on April 13th, there are at least 21,016 cases in Louisiana. There are 13,906 cases in Texas and at least 2069 Oklahoma.… MORE

The number of positive Coronavirus cases continues to grow. As of NOON, on April 13th, there are at least 21,016 cases in Louisiana. There are 13,906 cases in Texas and at least 2069 Oklahoma.… MORE
[vemba-video id=”van/batchfeed/2020/04/04/wlstv_554d6fb0-769e-11ea-9eb7-7f59b5fade04″]… MORE
[vemba-video id=”van/ns-acc/2020/04/06/PY-11MO_CNNA-ST1-1000000005bb0845″]… MORE
JUST IN: A 4-year-old female Malayan tiger at the Bronx Zoo, has tested positive for COVID-19 after being exposed to a zoo employee that was actively shedding the virus. This is the first instance of a tiger being infected with COVID-19. — Good Morning America (@GMA) April 5, 2020… MORE
Mayor Adrian Perkins has issued a public health emergency for Shreveport, effective at 6pm on Thursday April 2nd, and will remain in effect until Saturday May 2nd, 2020. The declaration states that all restaurants must be curb-side and drive thru only, and all customers must remain in their cars. Click here to read more… MORE
The number of positive Coronavirus cases continues to grow. As of NOON, of April 3rd, there are at least 10,297 cases in Louisiana. There are 5,330 cases in Texas and at least 988 in Oklahoma & 687 in Arkansas.… MORE
At least 6,424 cases of coronavirus has been confirmed in Louisiana, with 464 cases in Northwest Louisiana. Other states in the ArkLaTex region have also reported new cases, including 566 total positive cases in Arkansas and 719 in Oklahoma. Travel to Texas and Oklahoma is currently prohibited by Louisiana residents.… MORE
Alex Trebek reciting Lizzo is 100% what we needed right now By Melissa Gray, CNN (CNN) –We didn’t need a DNA test to know we 100% needed this moment. “Jeopardy!” host Alex Trebek recited a Lizzo lyric as a clue to a question on the episode that aired Thursday night. And while his rendition was…… MORE
For the first time ever, not a single Disney theme park is open for business BUT you can still enjoy the some of these attractions at home. Ride more attractions, here!… MORE