Seafood lovers rejoice … construction has started on the Hunter Crab Restaurant in Shreveport. It will be at 1758 E 70th St. Personally, I LOVE crab, so I might be in line waiting for it to open up.… MORE
Charles Barkley loves the LGBTQ+ community. He told them so last week at the American Century Celebrity Golf Championship in Lake Tahoe. Quote, “I want to say this: If you’re gay or transgender, I love you. And if anybody gives you [crap], you tell them Charles says [eff you].” Watch the clip below… (Warning it’s NSFW) Charles Barkley:…… MORE
I’m down for naptime at work! A company in Japan is working on “nap boxes” for offices . . . but you have to sleep standing up. They’re shaped like water heaters with a door on the front. There are little shelves inside to support your knees, head, and butt. I don’t know how comfortable…… MORE
Do you put sunscreen on your dog during the summer? According to the American Kennel Club, you should . . . but most of us DON’T. A recent survey found 57% of people NEVER apply sunscreen when they take their dog outside . . . and 46% didn’t even realize dogs needed protection from the…… MORE
My goodness, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more accurate. Prior to watching this viral TikTok, if you asked me to write down all of Louisiana’s hype songs, I would probably have wrote down every single song listed in her TikTok. It’s scary accurate and I absolutely love it. I’ve spent half of my…… MORE
Let’s face it, dating in Shreveport is not easy. Just a few days ago, we shared a story listing the top-10 cities in America for singles. Shreveport was nowhere near that list. In writing that piece, it struck me that we simply have quite a lot of red flags to be on the lookout for…… MORE
Here’s a dating term for ya: You’ve heard of “red flags,” but what about PINK flags? (???) It’s a term that’s been around a while. “Cosmo” talked about it in 2017. But it’s trending again after “Huffington Post” just did a write-up. Basically, pink flags are subtle signs someone might not be a good fit for you, and your relationship is…… MORE
Ashanti’s name was inspired by the Ashanti people of Ghana, and it means “woman of strength.” But when Ashanti was a little girl, her classmates didn’t understand the significance. They just thought it was weird. She says, quote, “I didn’t get bullied and beat up, but it was always maybe a little giggle, maybe a little,…… MORE