Category Archives: Blog – The Bert Show – Katherine

Get Paid $100K To Hold A Whiskey Bottle

Get Paid $100K To Hold A Whiskey Bottle

Do you have the hands of a drunk wild west cowboy?  There just might be a LOT of money in it for you.     A whiskey company called Fistful of Bourbon is looking for a new, quote, “spokesfist” to hold whiskey bottles in their ads.  And if you’ve got the perfect fist, they’ll pay…MORE

Cereal Straws Are Coming Back!

Cereal Straws Are Coming Back!

Kellogg’s just announced they’re bringing back their Cereal Straws in October . . . they’re edible straws that make your milk taste like different cereals.  The straws were discontinued in 2009.  The new ones will come in two flavors:  Froot Loops and Cocoa KrispiesMORE

How Often Do You Watch TV While You Eat Dinner?

How Often Do You Watch TV While You Eat Dinner?

TV dinners may not be as popular as they used to be, but TV DURING dinner is still as hot as ever.     A new survey asked people how often they watch TV while they eat dinner.  And the most common answer is . . . every day.  35% of people say they always…MORE

Here’s A Way To Have More Energy At Work

Here’s A Way To Have More Energy At Work

It’s time to start taking more breaks at work.  A LOT more breaks.     A new study from North Carolina State University found you’ll have more energy and actually be better at your job if you start taking lots of “microbreaks” . . . which are each just around five minutes long.    …MORE

Eating Breakfast Can Help You Get Promoted

Eating Breakfast Can Help You Get Promoted

Eating breakfast can be good for your career.  Unless you eat straight whiskey for breakfast like . . . um . . . this guy I know who’s definitely not me. A new study found people who eat breakfast are almost twice as likely to get promoted as people who don’t eat breakfast. Also, people…MORE
