Category Archives: Blog – The Bert Show – Katherine

Target’s Trade In Car Seat Program Is Back!

Target’s Trade In Car Seat Program Is Back!

If you have an old carseat, Target will take it! In exchange, get a 20% off coupon for a new seat, stroller or select baby gear when you trade in your old car seat with Target◎circle™ from 4/5–4/17.* Find more details here: – Car Seat Trade-In EventMORE

If brands used brutally honest slogans, what would they be?

If brands used brutally honest slogans, what would they be?

If brands abandoned their current slogans and used brutally HONEST ones, what would they be?  Here are some of the best responses we’ve seen . . .     1.  Hot Pockets:  Every bite is a different temperature.   2.  Taco Bell: You can make 32 different things with these five ingredients.   3.  Altoids: …MORE

What Are the Signs That Made You Realize You Were Old?

What Are the Signs That Made You Realize You Were Old?

It’s hard to say exactly when you become “middle aged” . . . and maybe it’s more of a FEELING than a specific age. A new survey found the average person doesn’t believe they’re middle aged until they hit 47.  But the survey also asked people to name the SIGNS that they’re becoming middle aged…MORE

The #1 “Sauce” Each State Googles More Than Other States

The #1 “Sauce” Each State Googles More Than Other States

Someone looked at the sauce or condiment each state googles more than other states.   For the ArkLaTex – we google Tabasco in Louisiana more than any other sauce — ketchup in Texas and Worcestershire sauce in Arkansas.  Here’s where the rest of the country lined up:MORE

Five Random Facts

Five Random Facts

  1.  If all seven billion people on the planet played in a single-elimination rock-paper-scissors tournament, you’d only need to win 33 games to become the champion. 2.  When the movie “Bad Boys” was first being developed, the plan was to have Jon Lovitz and Dana Carvey as the stars.  After some rewrites and changes to the film, it wound up…MORE

What’s Your Weird Motivation to Exercise?

What’s Your Weird Motivation to Exercise?

We all know the main reasons people want to start exercising more.  They want to get in better shape, feel healthier, lose a few pounds, and look better when they wear a bathing suit.  But those aren’t the ONLY reasons.     A new survey asked people to share everything that motivate them to exercise,…MORE

A Study Found Ordering Too Much Delivery Might Kill You

A Study Found Ordering Too Much Delivery Might Kill You

A new study found ordering too much delivery could actually KILL you.  Researchers tracked 35,000 people who said they ate restaurant food at least twice a day . . . so, almost every meal.  And they were 49% more likely to suffer an early death. Read More from EatThis.comMORE

Oscar Mayer Is Releasing Shoelaces That Smell Like Bacon

Oscar Mayer Is Releasing Shoelaces That Smell Like Bacon

Oscar Mayer just announced they’re going to be giving out shoelaces that smell like BACON.  The shoelaces also LOOK like strips of bacon, because why not?   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Oscar Mayer (@oscarmayer) If you’re interested, you can enter by tweeting the hashtags #OscarCookMyKicks and #Sweepstakes by the…MORE

3 new Pop Tart Flavors Are Coming

3 new Pop Tart Flavors Are Coming

Poptarts is about to release 3 new flavors!   OHHH– that peach cobbler and lemon creme pie sounds so good!!!   View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Pop-Tarts (@poptartsus)MORE

What’s something you loved as a kid but hate as an adult?

What’s something you loved as a kid but hate as an adult?

Right now people on Reddit are answering the question:  “What’s something you loved as a kid but hate as an adult?”  And it’ll really make you remember how great it was to be an innocent, dumb kid.  Here are some of the best answers . . .     1.  “Getting mail.  As a kid…MORE
