Today is the first official day of fall and google trends posted the most searched “fall activities” in each state.. here’s what we’re searching for in the ArkLaTex! Turns out we love football — and apple picking the most! … MORE

Today is the first official day of fall and google trends posted the most searched “fall activities” in each state.. here’s what we’re searching for in the ArkLaTex! Turns out we love football — and apple picking the most! … MORE
The Devils Knot in Bossier is open weekends starting October 1st — who is down to get scared? For more information on the Devils Knot click here! … MORE
Remember, you can donate all month, but Hunger Action Day, a special day of giving, is set aside for Friday, Sept. 17. Follow the link for details. #HungerActionDay — KTBS (@KTBS) September 17, 2021… MORE
Here’s what Netflix’s Halloween lineup looks like globally and some of the licensed titles coming to Netflix US & UK! — What’s on Netflix (@whatonnetflix) September 14, 2021… MORE
Getting all the ketchup out of a ketchup packet is slightly difficult and mildly annoying. But now, that national nightmare is finally over . . . Heinz is selling a ketchup packet ROLLER that gets every last drop of ketchup out. And it’s small enough to put on a keychain. It’s shaped…… MORE
It’s the most wonderful time of the year…pumpkin spice season, that is! While we love it in our coffee, the popularity of the spice has led to some straight up NASTY combinations. Here’s three of the worst offenders: 3) Pumpkin Spice Pringles The Annual Make Everything Pumpkin Spice Festival! This year's proud corporate sponsor –…… MORE
Southwest Airlines announced that alcohol won’t be available for purchase on flights until January 2022. The airline had plans to reinstate the sale of alcohol in June but due to the number of disruptive passengers and extension of the mask mandate, they have delayed the option. Southwest will begin offering new non-alcoholic drinks next month…… MORE