AMC’s annual FearFest starts tomorrow, with 680 hours of programming, including original stuff, like a new season of “Eli Roth’s History of Horror” . . . not to mention new episodes of “The Walking Dead”, “Fear the Walking Dead”, and “The Walking Dead: World Beyond”. And SYFY Halloween Will Feature Horror Movies All October Plus…… MORE
OK, if you could live in any fictional house — which house would it be? Maybe a house from a famous movie or TV show? I so would want to live in the “Full House” house or the house from “Home Alone” – and I’m not gonna lie — maybe a spooky house from a…… MORE
Starbucks is giving out free coffee to anyone who shows up with a clean, reusable cup. It just has to be 20 ounces or less. You can also sign up online to get a free seven-ounce, sample-size bag of Starbucks coffee in the mail. (The reusable cup deal is at “participating locations,” but that’s usually most of them.) Dunkin’ Perks…… MORE
No wants to be the rebound, but I’ve definitely been the rebound on more than one occasion… If you’re newly dating, here’s three signs to look out for to know if you’re the rebound: THINGS ARE MOVING REALLY FAST: If they drop the L word too quickly or take things fast physically, they may just…… MORE
Here’s three common phrases you should avoid in your Cover Letter: “TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN”: Use their name if you know it… otherwise use something like “hiring manager” or “Personal Manager”. “I BELIEVE…” Don’t be wishy-washy. Be confident. “SELF STARTER”: Too overused. Be specific about your qualities and achievements.… MORE
If you’ve been burned by bread that goes bad JUST after you brought it home, you probably pay attention to the dates on the bag. But did you know the color of the plastic tags can also be important? You’ve Been Closing Bread Bags Wrong Your Entire Life – YouTube According to “Reader’s Digest”, commercial bread…… MORE
Life hacks are EVERYWHERE. In a new poll, 69% of people say they have tried at least one “life hack.” And of those people, 71% say they’re using life hacks more NOW than they did before the pandemic started. I love watching these videos but, I’m always like who actually does these things?? What LifeHacks…… MORE