Category Archives: Blog – Acceptance

Drinking Coffee Before You Go Shopping Makes You Spend More

Drinking Coffee Before You Go Shopping Makes You Spend More

Here’s an easy way to save money:  The next time you’re shopping, DON’T drink coffee.  A new study found it makes you spend more. Researchers offered 300 people a free drink while they shopped.  Each person got a cup, and could choose between coffee, decaf, or water.  About half of them chose coffee.  And by the end,…MORE

8% of Americans Are Afraid of the Dark . . . and 2% Are Afraid of Dirt

8% of Americans Are Afraid of the Dark . . . and 2% Are Afraid of Dirt

The next time you’re supposed to help pull weeds, you can claim that you’ve developed a deeply rooted fear of . . . DIRT. A new survey on PHOBIAS asked people about what fears they have . . . how intense they are . . . and how irrational and invasive they seem.  They asked…MORE

11 Reasons These Actors Didn’t Get The Part!

11 Reasons These Actors Didn’t Get The Part!

These are pretty wild! Tom Holland was almost in Star Wars, but he couldn’t stop laughing during his audition. — BuzzFeed is a Chris Evans stan account (@BuzzFeed) June 15, 2022MORE

A Real-Life “Squid Game” Competition Is Coming to Netflix

A Real-Life “Squid Game” Competition Is Coming to Netflix

Not a lot of people were watching “Squid Game” thinking, “I wish this was real, and it was happening to me.”  But for anyone who WAS thinking that, you CAN have your chance . . . without the killing . . . probably. Netflix is creating a real-life “Squid Game” competition show that they’re hyping as “the biggest reality…MORE

TikTok’s New “Tortilla Challenge”

TikTok’s New “Tortilla Challenge”

It’s kind of refreshing that the newest TikTok challenge is actually FUN instead of dangerous.  It’s called the “Tortilla Challenge.”  And if you haven’t seen the videos, they’re great.  Here’s how you do it . . . You need at least two people, and two tortillas . . . and you basically just SLAP each…MORE
