Shreveport Chime In: What’s the Right Way To Put the Divider In The Grocery Checkout Line?

 A meteorologist from Arkansas named Ryan Vaughan has started a NEW debate:  How do you position the divider?  Across the width of the conveyor belt . . . or down the middle?

In a Facebook post, he said, “I’m at the store tonight and noticed some of you don’t know how to use the divider.   You need to put it long ways to trip the sensor, and keep a distance.  Some of y’all use it as a privacy fence.”

Naturally, the comments were all over the place:  Some people had their minds blown, while others thought his technique was an absurd waste of space.

Others joked about even more alternatives . . . like placing it diagonally, standing it on its end, or using multiple dividers to make shapes.  What do you say Shreveport? Leave your comment, in the comment box below
