Having a personal, unique signature used to be a THING, but people don’t seem to care about it anymore. We don’t need to sign things as often as we used to . . . and when we do, it’s usually on a DIGITAL pad, and it doesn’t come out looking right anyway. But that might be changing.
There’s apparently a new trend of people in Shreveport and across the country getting SIGNATURE MAKEOVERS . . . by HIRING someone to help them improve it.
There are multiple people promoting signature design services on social media . . . and the prices are all over the map, from $10 to $600.
One woman has a business called Planet of Names where she does around 300 custom signatures a month. The packages include stuff like: Up to three ways to sign . . . limitless drafts . . . or a new set of initials.
She charges between $10 to $55. And you can choose a style . . . “elegant, subtle, dramatic, sharp, classic, artistic, condensed, curvy, or even illegible.” And you can also get coached on how to PRACTICE your new signature.
One thing to note: Drastically changing your signature CAN be a headache though. For things like voter rolls, passports, credit cards, health documents, and legal papers, you may need to update your signature on file.