Is Your Boo “Micro-Cheating?”

According to the experts, here’s some​ signs your partner might be micro-cheating:
   1. They’re being super secretive. Your Partner’s consistently hiding things from you, like their phone. 
   2. They’re cyber-stalking someone else.  If your partner is constantly looking at someone else’s Instagram or Facebook… that’s no good. 
   3. They’re really close to someone else. Like, too close.  Some people have a work ‘husband/wife,’ meaning either or both parties look out for the other’s needs. It’s not always a bad thing, but it could be, and especially if they’re acting too flirty. 
   4. They’re starting to withdraw. “Emotional and physical withdrawal” are major signs of micro-cheating.
   5. If you’re worried about one specific person. You have a gut feeling… It feels like something about their relationship is different than the way he or she interacts with others.
When something doesn’t feel right, don’t ignore it…
Thank you for reading💕
    Dallace Jade
